
I am a systems neuroscientist and electrophysiologist studying the brain’s neuronal network dynamics. I am an incoming group leader at the Neuroscience department at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark. My research is focused on spatial memory and the involved mechanisms like theta oscillations in behaving rats, and the development of related tools. This is funded by a Lundbeck Fellowship.

I did my postdoc in the lab of György Buzsáki at NYU Neuroscience Institute. I received funding for my postdoc from the Danish Council for Independent Research and the Lundbeck Foundation.

During my Ph.D. I studied the network architecture behind motor pattern generation, using combined high-density silicon probes together with intracellular- and electroneurogram recordings from the turtle spinal cord. I graduated from University of Copenhagen in 2015 from the lab of Rune Berg.

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New paper in Cell Reports: Working memory features are embedded in hippocampal place fields

Hippocampal principal neurons display both spatial tuning properties and memory features. Whether this distinction corresponds to separate neuron types or a context-dependent continuum has been debated. We report here [...]

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