We are a Systems Neuroscience Lab located in Copenhagen. Our goal is to understand the neuronal mechanisms involved in memory and cognition and how imbalances in the circuits can lead to pathological conditions. In particular, we study spatial memory, and theta oscillations in behaving rats, and how the distributed populations of neurons across the brain circuits central to memory, are coordinating their dynamics to generate complex cognitive functions in awake rodents.
Peter receives a Sapere Aude starting grant from the Danish Research Council
petersen.peter@gmail.com2024-06-26T09:25:41+00:00June 26, 2024|
New paper in Cell Reports: Working memory features are embedded in hippocampal place fields
petersen.peter@gmail.com2024-02-27T22:23:48+00:00February 27, 2024|
Shuhan defended her Master Thesis
petersen.peter@gmail.com2024-02-20T07:25:18+00:00February 20, 2024|
Open position: Postdoc position in Systems Neuroscience (Deadline: November 20, 2023)
petersen.peter@gmail.com2023-09-27T15:26:04+00:00September 27, 2023|
Open position: PhD fellowship in Systems Neuroscience (Deadline: November 22, 2022)
petersen.peter@gmail.com2022-11-03T19:37:11+00:00November 3, 2022|